One thing I love is a good nap, the kind of nap that comes on easy and buries me in the middle of the day, recharging me to finish strong. I know it’s unproductive in some regards, but for the past 5 years, my 3:53 am alarms (yes, that is what it’s set for) have demanded I find myself resting midday if I’m going to make it through the week.
Some naps are better than others, but I generally get what I need in 30 minutes to an hour. And if I’m really blitzed, it might go on for an hour and a half to even 2+ hours at times. The key to a good nap is position and preparation. If I get comfy, knowing I’m going to rest, I usually take a much better nap than if I just nod off while sitting up, working on the computer, trying to fight off the sleep monster (like I am right now while writing this).
I have learned to relinquish control and resolve to know that I am NOT God, and I must stop and rest.
Sleep is a big part of scripture. This language is used all through the bible from naps to eternal sleep.
One instance is when Abram is trying to follow the call of God to “leave country and family and go to the land I will show you” (Gen 12). In the chapters following, some significant events take place along this journey, but still great uncertainty remains.
Then, in chapter 15, after a significant military victory, Abram is having a personal moment of prayer with and worship to God. As night set in, Abram fell into a DEEP SLEEP. This is the exact same kind of DEEP SLEEP that God caused Adam to fall into in the creation story.
There are only a handful of times this type of deep sleep is used in the whole Old Testament so it’s worth considering.
During this little siesta, God spoke to Abram, weaving a dark tapestry of great difficulty for Abram’s people followed by a favorable ending for his ancestors and a peaceful ending for Abram.
Here’s what occurs to me that I want to share.
It is when we give up control, completely surrender, and let God have the reins in our lives, that he GIVES us something completely unbelievable, unexpected, and unequivocal.
For the Israelites, God said he’d GIVE an entire land to them!!! For Adam, he GAVE a helper suitable that was equal in value and complementary in contribution. But its only after this DEEP SLEEP!
So, today, are you willing to take a real POWER nap? Can you let go of control, releasing your grip on EVERYTHING or that ONE THING? Would you let God do the unthinkable while you simply REST!?!?!
What is the Holy Spirit saying to you now, that requires your surrender?