Eggs are all the rage when it comes to Easter, and my favorite, bar none, are Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs!!! While chicken’s get little attention this silly little riddle, “which came first – the chicken or the egg?” seems appropriate and brings us right into this series.
This causality dilemma is used beyond just a silly ice breaker. It speaks of any situation where it cannot be determined between two events which is the cause and which is the effect.
It can also refer to sequencing circular actions where one depends on the former and ends up back at the same place after a few other progressive events.
Really, it is just describing an impossible question. And that’s where we find ourselves in this final approach to Easter.
We’ll look at a series of questions from scripture that are confusing at best or may not have a specific answer or that Jesus doesn’t come right out and give the inquirers the answer for which they are looking.
There are over 100 questions that Jesus answered during his life and many were questions he asked. Of course, there were some he didn’t answer at all, but the majority were questions which others asked and he did answer, however unexpectedly the response may have been. Here are the 4 questions we’ll look at and they all happen to all be WHO versions?
Who is without sin?
Who sinned?
Who is the greatest?
Who do you say I am?
John 8 records our first question in this somewhat heroic story where Jesus saves this woman who is in a terrible situation and in need of rescue. In biblical Jewish culture, the law demanded that anyone caught in the act of adultery should be put to death by way of getting stoned…and not the good kind.
So, the religious leaders throw this woman (but not the guilty man) at Jesus and tell him the situation and ask him what he thinks, trying to trap him one way or another.
Jesus knows the trap is set and refrains from answering initially, but they keep pushing the matter. He is forced to respond and finally stands up and says, “Who of you is without sin? You throw the FIRST rock!”
BAM! The plug is pulled on this rock concert as all those ready to throw stones dropped theirs and walked away.
Jesus then asks another question, this time to the woman. “Where are your accusers? Does anyone have a legit case against you?” She answers, “NO, there is NOT ONE!”
This first question is critical for today in two ways: the woman and the rock-stars.
First, to those who are standing condemned, feeling ashamed, heartbroken from poor choices made in moments of weakness, JESUS LOVES YOU! He is NOT damning you for all your screwups. He is gently and lovingly calling you to DO BETTER THAN YESTERDAY! All have sinned and are all in need of help (Romans 3:23).
Next, to those who are stoners, quick to throw rocks of opinions, public proclaimers of judgment, social media experts at calling out the mistakes of others, community overshare-ers of how wrong something is, continuous proclaimers of doing it better, armchair quarterbacks on yesterdays biggest dramas, DROP YOUR ROCKS! Jesus believes in justice but makes it clear that WE ARE NOT the ones to execute it. Focus on our own eye issues and stop trying to be a blind optometrist (Matt 7:5).
Whichever you are, please rest in truth of this story. The world is in desperate need of fewer stonings and more understanding!!! Maybe we learn from Will Smith and stop talking ABOUT him. We should take his completely inappropriate and emotionally radioactive words to Chris Rock to keep OTHERS’ names OUT of our mouths while keeping our hands to ourselves. And I’ll add the words of Paul, unless it is “useful for building others up according to their needs” (Ephesians 4:29).