To FULLY rely on God is vast in its meaning but tonight I want you to consider three ways:
1) To be at rest in uncertainty
2) To be at peace in chaos
3) To be at odds with the world
Noah is a ridiculous story about a man who trusts God, obeys God, and follows God, to something unheard of and that looked rather foolish to the rest of the world.
The short story version is this. God decides to put a limit on the human race as there was widespread evil throughout the entirety of mankind. So, God chose one man to be the salvation (foreshadowing Jesus in the process) for the future of humanity.
God told Noah to build a boat in preparation. Ok, sure. No biggie. Only problem was that this was in the middle of the desert where the people had NEVER seen rain! Noah and his sons construct this thing and then only him and his family plus the animals commanded by God boarded the boat and survived the flood.
Noah had developed such a profound reliance on God that despite the uncertainty of the request all the way through the uncertainty of the flood, he was at REST in relationship with God. Through the midst of the chaos from building a massive ship on dryland far from any bodies of water to the chaos of more than a month of rain and such a destructive flood, he had PEACE. This obedience put him at odds with the world for sure, but Noah held unwavering because of that trust in God.
No fancy frills tonight, just hard truth. Do you trust God to build a boat in the sand? My boys and are enjoying a relatively new song from Colton Dixon about this story and this kind of faith. (Listen here: BUILD A BOAT)
What’s keeping you from trusting God? Looking at Noah, he certainly had many reasons to doubt.
Is it your circumstances, your surroundings? (Noah was in a desert with NO rain, EVER)
Is it the culture, the people around you? (Everyone was evil and lived counter to God’s way)
Is it your physical being? (Noah was no spring chicken at nearly 500 years old when he STARTED the building project and 600 when the flood came)
Is it your resources – or lack thereof? (Noah and his boys had to get all the supplies by hand, by themselves)
Is it your skills/abilities? (Noah was not a seasoned carpenter per se and definitely not a boat builder)
Is it your past or your life experience? (Noah had never seen rain, or ever built a boat, or even seen a boat)
What is it that God may be calling you to?
Would you be willing to start the project that God is calling you to?
What’s the first step in building your boat?