September is my birthday month, and this year will log 38 trips around the sun. It’s not a milestone year but it certainly seems to be lengthy as I consider nearly 4 decades of breathing. And in the recent months, the end of my days has been on my mind and their significance has been brought into question. To make use of the thoughts in my head from the life in my years, I decided to turn this month into a full series of the intricacies of Brett and reveal some truths of God.
For as long as I can remember, I have always loved blue. It’s been my favorite color without exception. I’ve come to learn that blue is the most popular favorite color of the whole world. I’ve learned that blue is seen as conservative and traditional but also generates thoughts of calmness. It has descriptors like tranquil and secure. This color often instills trust and projects confidence. I have also discovered that blue can be an appetite suppressant since very few foods are blue.
Two most obvious and biggest elements of the earth appear blue, the sky and water, and I think that subconsciously people are drawn to this color for some reason pertaining to this. The world’s second favorite color is green, which is predominantly the other tone associated with the ball in which we live.
Blue is not just for personalities, politics, or persuasion. It also has some significance in scripture and I think it’s extremely fascinating.
In the book of Numbers, chapter 15, we read about how blue thread was to be used in adding tassels to the hem of the clothes of Jewish men. It was to serve the purpose of being a reminder to follow God’s instruction instead of being led by the flesh and failing from within the human effort and desire.
One commentary suggests that it was also another element of public consecration. The Jews were to be set apart from their culture and the rest of the world. They did this in a couple of ways, diet being one and dress being another. That seems to fit as well in this remembering that we read about in Numbers. It was more than just a bumper sticker or WWJD bracelet. It held a call to identity! They were to be holy as God is holy because God the Creator loved them, called them, and saved them, wanting so much more for them (us). It is IN God their very identity lived and how their lives had meaning and purpose.
Blue also has a bit of melancholy association and perhaps a little sadness. While I’m convinced the world likes blue for its vast presence which provides deep and peaceful feelings, I cannot help but note the connection to HELL.
What? Hear me out.
While there are mostly pleasant and desirable things associated with this color, and the scripture also points toward the positive, I think we must note the sadness element. It is this: Life is meant to be lived in relationship with God and if we get outside of that, live without the tassels, or forget what the tassels represent, we will find ourselves living in HELL, separated from God.
Adam and Eve sinned in the garden and God couldn’t stand the thought of them living forever separated from Him, so God kicked them out of the garden so they would no longer eat of the tree of life. They were meant to live forever, in that perfect and harmonious state. And so are we. God has made a way and wants to reveal and remind and restore us to that very start!
So, when you look up at the big blue sky, when you see a picture of the ocean, when you are helping your kids (or grandkids) with primary colors, or going through paint swatches at Lowe’s, may God reveal more of His character to you as your own nature to you, may God remind you of your value and purpose, and may God restore you into growing toward wholeness with Him!
Have a BLUE day!