Our foster son, Michael, is a cool cat. He’s got some health issues that make life interesting and keep us guarded. He has overcome a great deal and certainly has a challenging road ahead that will be filled with questions, no doubt. But he’s also pretty funny and makes us laugh a lot.
His tiny 25-pound dripping wet body is full of energy and comedic capillaries. One of his little quirks happens frequently at bedtime. He goes to bed better than any of our other boys ever did (or do, to this day probably). We hold him, pray, and sing our couple of bedtime songs, and then lay him down and walk out. It’s a beautiful thing.
But lately, he’s started saying with concern in his voice, “monturs…monturs.” And every time I say this, “No buddy, it’s ok, no monsters. But I’ll protect you and God is with you.” And his concerns are no more! I love it.
Isn’t that the thing with ‘monturs’ though? They are terrifying, mostly because they are more than we can handle. Whether it’s a large furry three-eyed beast with horns, wings, and a tail or an all-American defensive end or a serial killer, we dwarf ourselves in their power and cower in their presence.
You facing any monsters?
Maybe they aren’t actual ‘monturs’ but are opposing forces that are more than you ever imagined. Perhaps they are powers of this dark world, demons in your mind, spirits that you cannot shake, scars from the past, people or places or things responsible for your scars, fears you cannot overcome, doubts in your mind, thoughts in your head, or darkness in your soul. Maybe you are the only one who sees them or maybe the whole world knows and is part of them!
I get it…monsters are scary.
David faced one heck of a ‘montur’. This one stood an astounding 9-feet tall and carried weapons of comparable proportion. He paralyzed an entire Israelite army for a month and a half, taunting them with his coarse insults and big muscles.
When we jump into this story in 1 Samuel 17, David is tending his father’s sheep as a young teenager and then goes, at his dad’s request, to check in and take snacks to his older brothers who were at this great standoff between the Philistines and Israelites.
You can read the whole thing for yourself, but David faces this monster and wins! Here’s what you need to know that can help you bring all your giants down.
1. David considered the size of the matter NOT the size of the monster. Sure, Goliath was HUGE and could easily destroy David in a fist fight. But David knew that this monster was not just a new PR (personal record or public relations) stunt. It was a matter of life and death and not just for him, but all the Israelites. He knew something bigger than the monster, and himself, was at stake.
2. David went in the confidence of his previous victories and not the insecurity of the what-ifs or unknowns. King Saul wanted David to use his armor, the best armor money could buy, so he’d be a little protected. But after trying them on, David refused and said he wasn’t used to them so he better not. God had delivered David from a lion and a bear before (plus he’s a teenage boy), so he was ready to face this monster.
3. David made a plan in HIS skills and within HIS abilities, then acted all the while trusting God to deliver. With only his sling shot and a pocket of rocks, he marched out to face and defeat this monster.
So, remember that it’s not the size of the monster in the fight but the size of the matter you’re fighting for. You’ve overcome, you’ve seen victory, you’ve grown and developed into a capable YOU! And know that not having a plan is a plan to fail.
So, start small, and make a plan to tackle, to defeat, to rise up victoriously.
Most importantly, remember that you are a child of God and being on God’s team is a sure-fire way to WIN!!!! You GOT this!!!