I remember my little brother announcing to my mom that he was just “doing this to the Devil,” showing her proudly his middle finger held high amidst the others tucked in his small fist. It was fantastic! I was laughing hysterically (inside of course) but also in a state of horror, wondering what punishment was to follow.
Thinking back to that comical and innocent moment and settling into this new series, I have a very practical thought for you today.
Give the devil the bird.
Now, hang on a minute because I’m not saying that the best way to battle the enemy is to use graphic and offensive and hateful language. This type of attitude and mentality is toxic and won’t be very helpful. But Jesus gives us a good example of what this looks like, believe it or not. He doesn’t flip Satan off, but he uses some extremely strong language that makes it pretty clear how we should also proceed.
Jesus is preparing to head to the cross. He knows his time has come and his heart and mind are set on the mission. He is to glorify the Father by fulfilling this roll and completing this task. In a meeting with his disciples where he is telling them of the plan, Peter gets a little sassy and rebukes Jesus. Peter bucks up to Jesus and tells Jesus that there’s no way he (Peter) will let Jesus be crucified.
Upon hearing this, Jesus lets it fly! “Get behind me Satan. You are a hindrance to me. Your mind is not set on the things of God but on the earthly perspective” Matt 16:23.
OUCH – Harsh, much!
Here’s what was happening: Jesus gives Satan the bird…metaphorically of course. And there’s 3 things you and I need to consider or do to increase our wins against the enemy.
1. Jesus didn’t turn on his friend Peter or call him a name. Remember, our battle isn’t against flesh and blood. People ARE NOT the enemy. Jesus knows this and recognizes the attack and its source. Then he calls Satan out.
2. Next, we read that there is a directive. Jesus doesn’t just hide and seek – “I see you” – he Simon Says this thing – “Get behind me!”
3. Lastly, there is a mental/spiritual assessment and a very quick alignment check. Jesus doesn’t freak out that this situation occurred or blame himself and go into a tailspin of self-pity and play the shame-game. He just rights the ship, rebalances the scales, and reorients the compass.
This last one is so important for the follow through, the next step, securing the victory. We can’t go around calling our friends, family, spouses, kids or even republicans, democrats, non-masked/non-vaccinated, double masked/triple vaccinated, people the devil. That’s not helpful or unifying. But we can recognize when the enemy is seeking to divide us and create isolation through people, especially our closest relationships. In this we can fight back
This is what Satan is trying to do: steal, kill, and destroy, prowling around looking for those who can be devoured (John 10:10, 1 Peter 5:8). So, if it feels as though someone is taking something from you, something precious is being destroyed, or people are out to get you, and you are feeling all alone, chances are the problem is not people, it’s the work of a crafty and cunning thief and liar, Satan.
Call him out. Command him away. Calibrate your direction.
And let’s give the enemy the bird!!!