For the next 4 weeks, we’ll look at one of today’s tops hits and find some deeper truths hidden within and tune in to the lies we expose.
Week one is from one of my favorite date night pop artists. By that, I mean Ed Sheeran provides a great set of tracks that I like to cruise (in my sister’s convertible with the top down) with my wife riding shotgun.
This hit has landed on the top of the music industry charts. Bad Habits presents an interesting perspective that I cannot help but draw from for personal growth and restoring wholeness of life. It’s not one of his most romantic compilations but still brings a groovy dance vibe that is very catchy!
Ed confesses ultimately, that his bad habits led him to ‘her’. He declares some other things that his bad habits cause him to do and some choices that those habits drive him to make which are not wholesome, but full of regrets.
Two thoughts for me in this and I hope they settle on you with great wisdom.
First, I ask myself and you, what bad habits do you have and to what are they leading you?
You may have heard this saying: “Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”
Notice that habits are in the middle of this wall art inscription. And take note that this ALL begins in your HEAD. So, we start by asking, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT?
I know I talk about it repeatedly, but I’ll echo once again Paul’s words in Romans 12:2, “be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
In his letter to the Philippians he provides an alternative by directing people to “think about things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy.” (Phil 4:8).
When we find ourselves with a new THOUGHT LIFE, our world brightens with a new LIGHT.
The other piece of this pie has a bitter taste but seems to be a constant reality for many. Ed bemoans that he doesn’t want to keep living this way, but probably won’t change. He longs for a way out, but can’t escape.
The problem that many of us face is a mind matter – we WON’T change or we CAN’T. Both are true.
Paul reverberates this same sentiment. “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate, I do…I have the desire to do good but I CANNOT carry it out…it is the sin living in me…who will save me from this body of death?” (Romans 7:14-24)
If we leave it here, we sound like Ed Sheeran. Our mind has produced our anthem and our actions reflect that chorus. This song has established our lifestyle and become our genre of living. There is no escape as Sheeran laments.
Paul, however, doesn’t end there. He concludes that Jesus is the ONE who remixes his entire discography. From the greatest hits to the one hit wonders and even the basement blunders, Paul recognizes and acknowledges that God has the power to remake this dead end career and take us to stardom.
So, what bad habits keep sinking your ship? What ‘unstoppable’ forces impose themselves into your life and their presence leaves no room for change? To where are your habits leading?
What mindset initiates this sick-cycle? What lies are you believing?
You’ll never be good enough.
You’ll fail.
You’re too much of a screw up.
You aren’t smart enough.
You aren’t good looking enough.
You’re too fat/short/weak/immature/emotional/lazy/intense/basic/extra/old/young.
You don’t have what it takes.
You have too much baggage.
That list goes on and on and I know whatever your ‘thing’ is seems extremely powerful. I get it. As my own darkness continues to teach me new songs that drown out the beautiful notes of my life – in my marriage, in my family, in my ministry. I have to choose to listen to a different teacher. You do too.
So, will you think differently, and be transformed like Paul, or live defeated and hopeless like Mr. Sheeran?