Travel Light - Letting Go of Stuff - our HOPE is NOT in our EGO
Travel Light - Letting Go of Distractions - when we’re focused on the RIGHT thing, distractions DON’T matter
Travel Light - Letting Go of the Past - a seed of offense grows a root of bitterness producing a poisonous fruit; uproot the bitterness and get a new future
Travel Light - Letting Go of Control
Any control freaks out there? Any recovering control-aholics?
The MORE we try to control…the more we fear losing it!
This week we’re going to choose to loosen our grip on the throat of control and peek into, one more time, the Christmas story to uncover the victorious life found in Jesus Christ.
But first, let’s play a little game.
Psalms or Lord of the Rings: But it is you, a man like myself, my companion, a close friend.
Adele or Bathsheba: I’ve forgiven it all; you’ve set me free.
Paul or Justin Bieber: So thankful for that, every blessin’, yeah, turn every situation into heaven.
Taylor Swift or Lamentations: Bitterly she weeps at night, tears are on her cheeks.
Book of Ezekiel or Toy Story: In their rebellion, they lost sight of all I did to keep them safe and organized.
(email me back for the answers)
How did you do? It’s hard when you haven’t heard these words in a while, or ever, or they are taken out of context. It’s like seeing someone from the gym out in public, in real clothes, hair done, makeup on, and not lying on the floor sweating. You think you know them but you’re not sure it’s them.
Well, what if it had been 400 years since you’d heard the word of God? Or your whole life had only been stories and conversations about things from centuries ago with no real personal experience?
If something came out of nowhere but seemed like the real thing, you’d be stoked but probably want some proof!!!
This is what happened to Zechariah as we talked about last week. He and his wife were old and had no children. They did however, faithfully serve God to the point of being found ‘righteous’.
When Zechariah first heard from the angel, he responded with this question, “How can I be sure of this?” (Luke 1:18)
His life probably felt very much like a controlled rhythm of service and sacrifice. In his priestly role, there wasn’t much out of his power. The fact that he was “chosen by lot” to go into the holy of holies and offer sacrifice, was likely one of the only things he felt he didn’t have control over.
While he’s in there, the angel says to Zechariah that his prayers have been heard. With words of encouragement, the angel then spells out the absurd news. Zechariah once again, flexes his spiritual control and asks, “How CAN I be SURE of this? I’m old and so is my wife.”
Because of Zechariah’s need for control, the angel closes his mouth and prevents him from speaking until the baby is born.
Contrast that with Mary’s response from a similar message from the same angel. The angel blows her mind with a gender reveal announcement and “you’re going to have a baby” surprise. Mary doesn’t have the near history of Zechariah with decades of faithful service in the temple nor the depth of experience of faithful provision of God.
Mary has simply found favor with God (whatever that means, but it’s a good thing). And in her humble state, she asks a similar but different question that is filled with faith and forward thinking, full of submission, not doubt. She asks, “How WILL this BE, since I am a virgin?” And follows it up with “May it be to me as you have said.”
We need to note that it’s only after Elizabeth gives birth and Zechariah confirms the name is to be John that he is able to speak again. It’s not until he SURRENDERS to God that restoration takes place.
Mary starts with SURRENDER and it serves her well. Zechariah eventually gets to that surrender and finds wholeness.
Both Mary and Zechariah find new life in letting go of control. Both find freedom in surrendering. You don’t always have power to control, but you always have power to surrender.
I heard a coach say this and it is fitting for today, so I’ll leave you with this thought and a few questions. Only two things you can control, your ATTITUDE and your EFFORT.
What do you need to surrender today?
What have been trying to control?
What have you been living in fear of losing control?
Will you embrace surrender this Christmas?