In Matt 9 there’s a story of a group of guys who carried a paralyzed man on a mat, lowered him through the roof of a house, and laid him at the feet of Jesus. Talk about commitment (and potential lawsuit of breaking through someone’s roof).
Our series is S.E.E. and in it we are discovering if we want to FULLY experience the victorious life we must learn to SEE like Jesus. And Jesus definitely saw things differently. Through these lessons we want to look at the ways in which God SPOKE, EMPOWERING people, to ENGAGE the world. This story fits it well.
SPEAK - Jesus spoke words of forgiveness FIRST to this paralyzed man which really set the religious folks on edge. To them, it was blasphemy because ONLY God can forgive sins. After addressing the evil thoughts of these spiritual elites, he speaks again to the man declaring that in order for people to know Jesus has the power to forgive sins, he’s going to heal this man too.
Jesus spoke words of life, of future, of restoration, of connection, of hope, and of healing. But he spoke these words with unquestionable and unmatched authority.
EMPOWER - It’s obvious here that the man was empowered. Once paralyzed, now walking. But the words weren’t just physical. They touched every part of this man, starting with his soul. Jesus gave him the gift of eternal life. Here’s what I love about this - in meeting the man’s physical need, it opened the door for him to address the spiritual, and overflowed in his social life.
It’s important to note that one was not dependent upon the other for Jesus. He simply addressed it in this manner for the sake of those watching.
When we are willing to meet people where they are and address the needs present, it opens up the possibilities to speak into all parts of their life. It also is the necessary cover charge to gain access with those watching or just standing on the sideline. This leads to more engagement with the world.
ENGAGE - this man could now resume a more dynamic life as he was ordered by Jesus to GO HOME. This took him back to his family, back to social interactions, back to be a contributing member of society. His body AND his faith were strengthened in a brand new way.
Not only was engagement with the world reimagined for this man, it was also recharged for the ones who brought him on the mat in the first place. It was THEIR faith that Jesus SAW from the beginning that was the catalyst for all that followed. And of course, for all those watching, change happened as they marveled at what they saw and praised God as a result.
What have you been laying on that it’s time to pick up and go on your way? Jesus is speaking into that part of you now.
What would change if you were to receive what Christ is offering to you now? Jesus wants to make things new in you now.
And don’t forget, someone might be counting on you and it’s your faith that will bring about the possible transformation for them. Who needs you to carry them? Jesus will honor your faith.