So, once you’ve figure out what’s inside that is worth protecting, it takes a special effort to ensure its security. The next step, then, is naturally to establish the boundary lines. This requires an understanding of the layout, seeing the big picture, and knowing that without a defined line, the boundary is loose with no way to clearly determine whether or not it has been crossed. And this is where the danger lies. Clear borders establish identifiable markers to tell the MOMENT an infraction has occurred. Otherwise, there’s now way to know when a threat is imminent before it’s too late!!!
After the line has been fully marked, the next phase is constructing the guardrails, fences, or structures to prevent unauthorized entry. The US/Mexico border has been battling this issue for the past 8 years or more.
The last two lessons we’ll look at deal specifically with two areas that require special efforts and their own boundaries. But today, we’ll tackle what seems to be the ongoing struggle for the US and that is simply building something of quality that is realistic, economical, and sustainable.
Regardless of your stance on the current status of the nations ‘border crisis’ and taking away the element of dealing with actual human beings, the truth remains that the border is NOT secure. The fence is filled with ‘holes’ and there are constantly people crossing illegally.
I am not advocating for change, speaking for reform, nor playing down the current efforts, however, I am simply looking at this from the perspective of what we can learn about putting this into application in our lives when it comes to our short falls and struggles and battle to overcome evil in our lives.
There are 3 things that stand out to me that perfectly transfer into our lives that I want to share.
First, the plan must be thought through, consulted with others, counting the cost, and communicating details of the project. It is important to go back to last week often and remember our WHY. As we navigate life with that in mind, we will have to bring others in on the project and the appropriation of the boundaries. Some people will need to be included in the planning while others will be involved in its implementation, and some will simply require an explanation. And we must be prepared to share with confidence our YES as well as our NOs. It is also worth noting here that some sacrifice WILL be required in order to set this in motion. We’ll look at the details of these in the next couple weeks, but it may include loss in some way: family, friends, colleagues, or acquaintances of the WHO and habits, places, activities, times, or substances of the WHAT.
Secondly, we MUST look at our self-control valves. These are pressure controls that regulate wholeness of life and there are many varying levels of valve stresses and capacities. These tend to leak especially when pressure exceeds capacity. With these in mind our plan in step one will be tied to these preemptively, but now it’s time to work out the details. We need to identify the places that we are most susceptible to an attack and defeat. What controls are weakest in capacity and highest in pressure? Where do we struggle most? What areas do these factors coincide? This is an absolute must if we are going to see victory in this battle. Identifying the places that we are most prone to infiltration and then start the build there. Just like with our nation’s border, there are natural pathways that make for crossing so much easier and these are the areas in our lives that we constantly struggle. Where are you most vulnerable? Where do you face the most pressure to fall?
The third and final part is that the wall must be completed across the entire border in order to create the MOST secure boundary. Some areas won’t require the same attention as others or demand as stringent and calculated implementations, however, we must constantly be aware of the big picture and full spectrum as the enemy is “prowling like a lion, looking for those whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). While locking up the weak spots is critical to stop the immediate hemorrhaging, the continuation of the project is ongoing. And while the rest of the boundary is being reinforced, it is important to remember that those weak spots must be revisited for any newly developed leaks and reinforced against unexpected breakdowns.
We can easily float through life, being tossed back and forth by whatever waves comes crashing down. We can be pushed, bent, and broken throughout life by pressures to fall. Or we can make a few defined choices and consistent efforts that will set us up for a life of freedom, of continuously restoring wholeness, and eternally living fulfilled.