I thought I’d start the new year off right from the place I’m at, sick with Covid. This is just a thing, no fun but we’re handling it. And as it continues to disrupt life, I thought it would be good to really set the tone for us here as we kick off 2022.
DIVOC – is simply Covid backwards. Why, you ask.
Because in order to be able to handle these curve balls that life throws and come out stronger on the other side, we must think differently. We must have a backwards approach to things like Covid, job loss, marital problems, and even death.
So, this first series will be just that and we’ll look at the backwards life that Jesus lived.
“Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who use you and harass you” (Matt 5:44).
Talk about backwards. This doesn’t even make sense.
In his most famous sermon, Jesus takes a familiar social and even religious anecdotal mantra and flips it unexpectedly. He says, “The saying goes – love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I’ve got a different way of thinking about it. Love your enemies, etc.”
Can you imagine an already oppressed people hearing this? They are ready for their “savior” to go Red Sea on the Romans and instead he’s talking about loving these people.
I’m sure there are people who “use and harass” you. Can you pray for them? And not praying that they will get run over by a dump truck either. But asking God to bless them? That’s definitely backwards!!!
Enemy in this passage refers to anyone hateful or hostile. I’m sure you have people or even groups that would be considered this in your life. Can you welcome and entertain them, loving them dearly?
Then there are those who have it out for you, actually hate you? Act beautifully, excellent, and honorably towards them and speak well of them. How about that, sound like something you can do?
Why would I do that? You might be asking. Here’s why.
Living this way is in line with what God blesses. I think it’s zero, the number of people I’ve ever heard talk about NOT wanting God’s blessing. And while I don’t fully understand all that God’s blessings entail, when and how, I cannot help but read this is a guarantee! Sure it’s hard. But isn’t everything worthwhile?
So, let’s get a little DOVIC this year. Let’s live a little backwards! We just might have our best year yet and begin to live our best life! Come on.