DIVOC – Part 2
DIVOC – is simply Covid backwards. Here’s the mental kaboom of for the day. DOVIC is made up of the EXACT same substance as COVID. Letter for letter, it is identical. Its DNA holds the same details. The only difference is that it is looked at backwards, or in the converse order.
What good does that do?
Well, for starters, it puts something brand new in front of your face with using all the same information as before. It makes your brain think differently, however, and that recircuiting is critical in restorative living. No matter if you know that it’s covid or not, no matter if your circumstances haven’t changed, this reordering forces your brain to process it differently. You have to work harder to get there so the reaction isn’t the same.
The other thing this does is that it takes the mind in alternative directions. You can’t say it without thinking an additional thought unrelated to the actual disease. Maybe you’re thinking, ‘that’s dumb’ or maybe ‘that’s silly’ or possibly ‘divide, divorce, divulge, diverticulitis’ come to mind. However you chop it up, the brain is a monster of a machine and it’s hard to keep it on a tight leash especially when we throw it for a loop. Sometimes, we need to use that to our advantage and let it loose!!!
Philippians 4:8 tells us if anything is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind, excellent and worthy of praise, think about such things. What in your current situation is any of that?
On one occasion Jesus was speaking to a large crowd and some men brought a paralyzed friend on a mat. They lowered him through the roof of this house because the door was blocked. Placing him in front of Jesus, the friends left the man at the mercy of what Jesus would do.
Upon seeing faith of the friends, Jesus says to the man, “Your sins are forgiven.” (Not, “Your legs are better.” - interesting).
Scripture says he knew what the Pharisees who were sitting there were thinking and called them out on it. “No one can forgive sins except God,” they protested. Jesus asked if it was easier to forgive sins or tell someone to get up and walk. No answer given, but obviously to make someone walk who can’t is harder, so he told the man to get up and walk in order to prove he could ALSO forgive sins.
Here’s the takeaway: The Pharisees couldn’t see anything but COVID. They failed to realize while, yes, ONLY God could forgive sins, the one who was before them WAS God. This wasn’t just a blasphemer or heretic profaning the truth. But they couldn’t see it.
Jesus used the same substance, just spun it backwards, and showed them he WAS God and had authority to forgive as he could do impossible things.
He chose not to heal the man first, I think, because the most important thing is spiritual wholeness and NOT physical well-being, although God DOES care about both! Jesus took the opportunity to reveal both!
This is a matter of perspective and if we will get our mind out of the gutter, our life will be drastically different, as the man on the mat experienced and all those present in the room, witnessed.
What do you need to STOP thinking about and what do you need to START thinking about instead? What is the sole focus of your existence presently or what consumes your thoughts negatively? See if you can spin it and discover a new reality!