I had an encounter with a frog recently that brought this acronym to mind, and I thought it would be so fantastic to spend some time playing with it. This is a throwback from back in my younger years of time in children’s church and it will carry us for this series. If you’re wondering what it stands for, this is it: Fully Relying On God.
A couple years ago, I did a whole series on my traumatic experiences with frogs from my childhood. I promise not to go quite that heinous this time around, but we do start with a rather unfortunate mishap between a weed eater and a frog. Let’s just say the frog didn’t win.
I was finishing up going around the house and this massive frog jumps out from under the gutter right into the spinning fury of the pulverizing string. Before I even realized what I’d hit, this fat boy was no longer with us. As he lay there lifeless and ‘slightly’ messed up, I thought about the tendency in my life to run into dangerous places.
For me, those danger zones are mental apathy or laziness. If I let my mind wander, I will be overcome with inappropriate thoughts as the enemy comes spinning through my head. I can also be overwhelmed by feelings of self-pity, narcissism, and even negativity.
What places do you consistently run into? Is it people, places, habits, or your own head? What thoughts wreck you and keep you down?
I’m convinced that the darkness of this world and the battles we face are most often fought in the mind. Even if it is something physical in our world, it begins in our mind. Paul talks about this in Ephesians 6 saying, we do not wage war against flesh and blood but against the authorities, powers, rulers, and evil spirits of this dark world.
Eve didn’t struggle with some great physical need or earthly desire but a mental war where the enemy planted thoughts that turned into doubts followed by desirable change which brought about an undesirable outcome.
It’s in our failure to fight that we end up defeated. Like the frog, we have no idea what is coming and before we have a chance to battle, we end up already beaten.
Stay vigilant. Stay alert. Stay ready. Let’s be victorious warriors in the field where transformation happens most readily, the renewing of our mind. (Romans 12:2) We must think about other things, both when the darkness envelopes our mind but also on the offensive before we get hit. (Phil 4:8)
It’s in this platform that relying fully on God diminishes the enemy’s lies, defuses the enemy’s attacks, and defends our weakest places. So, watch out, or you may find yourself beat down and overcome by the high speed of evil!