I’m in no way a comic expert, but I definitely enjoy the entertainment of the Marvel universe as well as DC’s contribution to the field. For the past two years or so I’ve been going through the Marvel full length films in chronological order (very very slowly and in no hurry).
In the front end of the series lies the first two Ironman movies. While I in no way approve of Tony Stark’s debaucherously narcissistic behavior, I tend to find his laid back, sarcastic attitude very comical. From a pastoral and biblical perspective, I appreciate his character in the fact that his salvation is a matter of the heart, and a very specific external power is sustaining his life instead of something in his own strength, power, and will, other than it requires his constant attention and care. This is the epitome of Christ’s role in our life and our responsibility with salvation.
In the second movie, there’s a scene right after Tony realizes his mortality where his best friend, James Rhodes (aka Rhodey), is trying to talk/knock some sense back into him. In this fight, Rhodey throws EVERYTHING at him, including the kitchen sink, literally! They battle in great display, both donning Ironman suits, bringing Tony’s birthday party to an abrupt halt, leaving Tony in a deeper state of confusion and questioning.
Tony is losing his mind! He has lost his purpose and is afraid to lose control. He’s scared. He is physically dying due to the arc reactor’s limited capacity. He is dying and it is keeping him from living. Tony is told that he can solve the riddle of his heart by SHIELD’s Nick Fury and this causes Tony pause. Tony has daddy issues, as many do, and later, he watches a video of his dad (who he thinks was a hard man and didn’t really love him much). In that video, Howard, Tony’s dad, tells him, “Tony, my greatest creation is YOU!”
This changes everything for Tony. It gives him a new outlook, new energy, new focus, new direction, and unclouds his mind to reformulate his purpose!
This reminds me of something we read in scripture and has often been shared in addition to messages about the deity of God. At the beginning of his ministry, he is baptized. This takes place before he has done anything public or miraculous and the remarkable thing is what God says in this spiritual moment at the river with John the baptizer.
An audible voice is heard saying, “This is my son, whom I love, with whom I am well pleased” (Matt 3:17).
Although Jesus wasn’t struggling to know his place and we don’t ever see that he was feeling insecure or lost, this is big. God gives Jesus identity, value, and purpose in this moment BEFORE Jesus established anything on his own or earned it himself!
Jesus is encouraged in his relationship status with the heavenly father without performing for it.
Jesus is elevated to the position of the object of God’s unconditional love and hasn’t earned it.
Jesus is empowered to go and live out his life’s purpose within the kingdom’s mission.
Maybe you have a heart condition, like Tony, and the matter has been killing you softly, slowly, yet surely. Maybe you need to know that the same that was true of Jesus in that moment is also true of you.
You are the object of God’s unconditional love, you give God great pleasure, and you are identified as God’s child JUST the WAY you ARE WITHOUT earning it or having to perform for it.
May you let that empower you to live into the kingdom’s mission in your heart!