Very simply put today, “LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF!” (Matt 5:43) But is it that simple?
When Jesus spoke these words, he put a spin on things from what was the current cultural understanding of the sentiment. Everyone knew to love others, but the emphasis was qualified by erasing and replacing the current #hashtag – love your neighbor and hate your enemies.
Nowhere in scripture did it actually say to hate one’s enemies. The people Jesus was speaking to had taken a few too many liberties with interpretations and Jesus is correcting these fallacies.
It’s easy to see where these people got this understanding if you look at how God seemed to interact with the world and people. Much of the Old Testament was full of stories about the enemies of God, of God’s people, and their destruction, so naturally, one would easily see the train of thought: Evil is God’s enemy, God destroys evil, therefore God hates evil. God commands us to “Love God with all our heart and love our neighbor as ourselves,” therefore, we should also hate evil, which we should fight against evil, therefore, anyone acting in evil is our enemy and deserving of our hate.
This was apparently an incorrect stance and Jesus brings clarity to the command. “You have heard it said to love your neighbor and hate your enemy, but I say to you, ‘love you enemies and pray for those who mistreat you’!”
Loving enemies and praying for the idiots and jerks in our lives is the [sic] part of today’s message, but it’s the only thing that brings about transformation.
When we align ourselves with this difficult and unorthodox way of life, 2 things happen.
- We begin to live a more freeing life. We are no longer slaves to fear, to people, or to the pain of the past hurts and brokenness others have caused.
- The world cannot help but be impacted by our response, be better for our actions, be curious about our behavior, and be drawn to our difference.
Now, this won’t It doesn’t make any sense if you haven’t first bought into the initial call to love God first, so might start there.
But if you have, would you consider this in your life?
Who in opposition to you needs your love or maybe just needs you to pray for them, for their well-being, for their restoration?
It’s definitely a little [sic] and twisted but it certainly makes a beautiful story!