Today begins the journey to Easter. It’s like the OPEN for the Christian calendar. We know this kickoff as Ash Wednesday. It’s a full 7 weeks of learning, growing, discipline, and spiritual pursuit. But what does it all mean?
We were born into pending misery and constant struggle in life due to the state of this world and nature of the brokenness within it. This is known to us as the curse of sin. And for Ash Wednesday, we recognize this depraved nature in OURSELVES (not the rest of the world or our friends, spouse, neighbors, or enemies).
There’s something else profoundly simple about the intention of this day. We are humans. And as humans, we are finite creatures. We have a DEFINITIVE beginning and an ABSOLUTE end when it comes to our physical life on earth. It is in this sobriety, we also recognize the truth and lean into the fact that we were created from dirt and we will one day return to dirt. Nothing glamorous or lofty about that! Good to know you and I are just little dirt clods.
In these two perspectives, we, then, declare that we are NOT God and we are in NEED of God!
In concluding our series, there is nothing more appropriate than to take us to the most LOVE [sic] aspect of our faith. Our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God of all of scripture. The God of Jesus. The God in whom we trust as inscribed on our money. This God, is the ONLY god (little ‘g’) that chose to become like one of his creation AND chose to suffer and die so they might live.
No other god in no other religion, is thought of or recognized for or known by this humble act. Jesus came to save his people and establish a powerful new kingdom. But he didn’t do it with a sword and force, instead, he did it with grace, humility, and death on a cross.
For the season of lent, you can embrace this reality and pursue a new or deeper faith by engaging in part of the practice. For 7 weeks, you can make a sacrifice to connect with Christ. It can be an addition of a habit or a stopping of an activity. Anything added needs to be of wholesome value and anything sacrificed needs to hurt a little, cost something, be challenging. It’s the equivalent of a spiritual 49 Hard.
Then, any time you are drawn to the act of the sacrifice and are finding it hard to stick with, pray, reach out to God, read scripture, and meditate on this God who is Love.
See what happens, what you learn, how you grow, and you may just find that your sentence of misery is reduced and discover new and more fulfilling life than before!
I’d love to know what you choose and how I can pray for and with you along this journey and help keep you accountable!