Pain is a neurological response that something is WRONG. Every single person has this hardwired into the central and unconscious part of the body. I think we can all agree to this truth and reality. It’s our body’s warning system to alert us of danger to our well-being and a threat to our survival.
This makes it seem like pain is normal. And normal being defined as just the way it is and supposed to be – like normal to bleed if cut or normal to fart after eating, especially certain foods. I propose this contradiction. Pain is NOT normal, but it is VERY COMMON! Pain is NOT the way things were intended to be in the beginning of creation and was only introduced as a result of sin and brokenness. So, it’s not normal, but it’s common, because everyone experiences it, in many ways.
It is also important to remember that common doesn’t mean comparable. We all experience pain in different ways and have different levels of tolerance. My nephew, who’s 11, has cracked his skull on concrete and ripped his flesh on raw metal requiring multiple interior stitches and external staples without so much as a whimper for either, while I have passed out from my broken collar bone. So, don’t get caught up in the comparison game of downplaying your pain or someone else’s pain in relation to each other.
Over the next 3 weeks, we’ll take this neurological phenomenon and look at the growth, gratitude, and goodness that is present in, comes from, and can exist within pain.
There’s another school of thought that is common but not normal or really, just not true, in my opinion. The cliché: EVERYTHING HAPPENS for a REASON, gets a ton of play in our world, and is even more common than a mullet with a beer belly and no shirt at a Nascar race!
While not everything is a direct cause-and-effect situation for a divine specific purpose, pain is a universal consequence of a broken world, that stems from man’s plight in the beginning. This doesn’t mean that each person’s pain is a direct result from God’s preordained wheel of misfortune. I do not see that written in the big picture of scripture. Therefore, I really push against it and even cringe hearing it.
However, in this platitude, I concede one truth.
Things aren’t the way they were originally intended to be and in the broken state which we live, we find ourselves in need of a Savior; and anything CAN be redeemed for a useful purpose. This I can appreciate, but that is how I work around “There’s a reason for everything!”
Jesus was confronted by some of his followers who were in the “Everything for a Reason” club. A man had been blind from birth and Jesus’ disciples wanted to know what everyone wants to know when it comes to tragedy and pain, WHY!!!!!?????!!!!! They gave two common responses and human explanations and asked Jesus to clarify which was the truth.
Jesus tells them something entirely unexpected and illogical. He says this tragedy doesn’t have a specific cause but here in this moment and in this suffering, God has opportunity to break into the world, into this man’s life, and encourage faith and connectedness to God. This is good. This allows for our gratitude to exist in spite of pain. It also provides an avenue for God to bring purpose to the worst of our pain.
Here are some scriptures for you to peruse and let marinate this thought even further. And my prayer is that during the next few weeks, as we move into Thanksgiving, your perspective will change regarding any pain you have experienced, will experience, or might be experiencing currently!
Romans 8:18 – I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the eternal glory that will be revealed in us.
Colossians 3:16-18 - 16Rejoice always,17pray continually,18give thanks in all circumstances;for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Psalms 147:3 – [God] heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
Psalms 23:4 (all of it is good) – Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you [God] are with me. Your rod and staff, they comfort me.
Romans 8:28 – And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love God.
I’d love to explore this further with you so feel free to hit me up if you’d like to discuss any of it or your current/past situations or questions.