There’s a pretty sweet story in scripture that could be a Halloween movie, at least could be a scene in a movie of that genre. It is all about bones, so fits our series. The bones are not the main point of the story at all, but the climax of it involves bones, a lot of bones!
Ezekiel is a prophet of the LORD in the 6th century and he speaks a word of judgment against Israel for their unfaithfulness as well as a very graphic depiction of restoration, the kind that RWOL is made from!
The prophet records that God took him in spirit to a valley and in it were bones, lots & lots of bones. These weren’t just any bones, but DRY bones, insinuating they had been there a long time. (Ezekiel 37)
As Zeke walks through this massive graveyard, the LORD asks him a question about these bones. God says to Zeke, “Can these bones live again?” To which the prophet replies very intelligently, “Only you know that, God.”
So, God tells him to ‘prophesy’ to these bones. God says to say to the bones that ‘God will make breath enter back in you and you will come to life. Soft tissues and skin will be restored and breath regained and you will live again.’
Ezekiel obeys and speaks to these bones saying exactly what God told him to say. Then, he heard a rattling noise, like deer antlers clacking together or a couple of dowel rods clicking around. Bones were coming together, then tendons reformed, and finally flesh appeared so that these bodies were intact. But there was no breath in them.
So, God told him to then prophesy to the breath. Zeke did as he was told a second time and breath came in and filled these lifeless bodies till they rose up and stood like a massive army!
God concludes the episode with this final thought for the prophet. “These bones are my people.”
The people of God that are lifeless, hopeless, and fulfilling no purpose, have a promise of restoration!!!
This is HUGE! Think about this in light of your situation, your world. Have you ever been in a place of complete despair or felt like there was no hope? Divorce, family drama, finances, depression, anxiety, loneliness, shame, abandonment, abuse, addiction can all feel like a valley of dry bones, can feel like we ARE the bones in the valley. And God wants you to know that there is power to regain new life.
Do you need reviving today? Choose to receive this word from God.
Do you know someone who needs this new life today?
In that case, you must prophesy, speak truth and life into the dry bones and into the spirit (the breath). You must be the one who will walk in the midst of the valley among the bones and speak life to them, tell them there is new life coming and then pray to God for the Spirit of God to fill them, revitalize them.
Will you?
Dry bones can live again!!!
(Listen to these songs and let God speak to you from this text.)