Well, good news, the SCREW IS GONE! We had a follow-up x-ray to see if the little piece of hardware was still inside Michael’s gut and the results are conclusive, the screw has passed! Phew!!!
But the miraculous thing of it all is not that he swallowed it (that’s not even surprising), or that it’s out (we’re grateful it is), but the x-ray technology which showed us where it was to start and the picture retake to show us it was gone.
Everyone has seen one in one way or another and this technological snapshot is quite the remarkable bit of science. To be able to look under the surface of the skin, seeing bones and outlines of the other organs but not display all the soft tissue is just astounding.
As we head straight toward Halloween, masks, makeup, and costumes show up to cover up what’s already being hidden. I want to challenge us this month to get below the surface and take a look at the underlying aspects of ourselves through this series.
Genesis teaches us something about the original intent for us as God’s prized creation: we were to be “naked and unashamed” and we have come a long way from that. (Gen 2:25)
In the book of Hebrews, the writer tells us that the “word of God is…sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of the soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).
I want to expose us to this spiritual x-ray and let God read the results.
The rest of this passage in Hebrews speaks explicitly about eternity and eternal rest. And I want to push you to consider the ways in which you are living. We’ve talked several times about Sabbath rest and trusting God to do more in 6 days than you can (on your own) in 7.
But, I had a new revelatory thought surrounding Sabbath in light of this passage as it pertains to eternity AND to this earth.
If you and I will practice Sabbath regularly and faithfully, as God made it available to us, two things will happen. One, we will be continually renewed, restored, and rejuvenated to continue the work before us. But two, and more importantly, we will live so that our work here on earth is NEVER done and come to understand, it is NEVER supposed to be, because this earth is not our forever home.
Think about this: you bust your butt during the work week knowing you have a weekend coming, but continue this pattern to afford the things you enjoy and need. In the same way, you keep pushing through the middle of the wod knowing that rest is coming, and repeat the cycle to attain the physique desired or accomplish tasks demanded. And this is what God intends for us on earth. We work on earth grinding through the struggle practicing relief in Sabbath rests and we keep this order because we look forward to an eternal celebration.
Sabbath practice is a way of keeping our focus on the eternal instead of the mundane, monetary, or manic Mondays.
So, whether you are in need of a complete eternal/temporal perspective shift or just in need of a rest, may the word of God reveal the screws loose in your soul through this spiritual internal imagining.