Depression is a pretty ugly beast, and it seems to hit a little differently that all our other arrows. This arrow is one that is untraceable and completely undetectable until it has struck the heart and is infecting the soul. It is VERY real and must be dealt with carefully and aggressively.
According to the good doctors of webMD, NO ONE THING defines or determines depression but a myriad of causes that all “may lead to” this dark sickness can be considered. (
And a Harvard Medical School publication, there is more than just a chemical imbalance at work when it comes to depression. There are chemicals involved, in fact, “millions, even billions, of chemical reactions that make up the dynamic system that is responsible for your mood, perceptions, and how you experience life.” But the journal states that it goes WAY beyond just one chemical being too high and another being too low! (
So, it appears no one really knows from where it comes.
I believe this is one of Satan’s best attacks in our current culture and NO ONE is beyond its reach. Because the causes vary so vastly and scientists and medical professionals cannot pinpoint anything 100%, we must approach it differently.
While there is no hope of eradicating this disease nor guarantee of preventing it nor even a quick or exact successful medical treatment, I’ve identified a *4-part formula that certainly can create a more positive outlook and help regenerate wholeness of life serving both as preventative measure and treatment!
1. FIND GOD. One of Life.Church’s statements of beliefs comes from Proverbs 8:35 and says that “Whoever finds [God] finds life…” Scripture also teaches that Jesus, God’s son, who is also fully God, is light and in him there is no darkness. So, if we “draw near to God” He will draw near to us (James 4:8).
God transcends, yet includes medicine. Sometimes God delivers miraculously through ways that science cannot explain, and sometimes God delivers THROUGH science and medicine. However, still other times, God simply delivers by carrying us through our pain and life’s darkest valleys, walking with us and carrying the burden along the journey. But regardless of the method, in God, we find the BEST life. (John 16:33)
2. LET’S GET PHYSICAL. Physical activity IS scientifically shown to reduce stress hormone levels in the body. The release of endorphins has natural effects to elevate one’s sense of well-being. The more involved the activity, the more effective it is at taking the mind off the negative thoughts that feed the ugly monster. So, ramp up the cardiovascular system and enter a state of physical exhaustion on a regular basis in order to extinguish this arrow.
Paul writes that “Physical exercise is of SOME benefit…” in 1 Timothy 4:8. He goes on to say that godliness has value in EVERYTHING and while this is certainly the emphasis of his instruction to his young protégé (and us), we cannot discount that he recognizes the significance of physical activity to start.
3. THINK DIFFERENTLY. To say that it’s all in your head is ignorant and insensitive. Science may not have nailed down everything involved but we certainly understand it’s more than a matter of ‘getting over it’.
However, Romans 12:2 we read that we are TRANSFORMED by the renewing of our minds. So, the very act of thinking differently changes us intrinsically. And famous 17th century philosopher Rene Descartes brought us the timeless idea that “I think, therefore I am” to both establish one’s existence but also, emphasize the power of the mind in our existence. So, it is critical to apply this perspective and give attention to the thoughts we let run wild in our mind. Paul also says we’re in charge of our thoughts, so we ought to be more mindful with the what’s bouncing around our brain. (1 Cor 10:5)
4. GET GRATEFUL. Adding a simple practice of GRATITUDE will lessen the impact of the lies of negativity in our lives. Thankfulness DOES NOT eradicate the problems, the stress, the brokenness, but it is shining light in darkness. Phil 4:6-8 spells out a beautiful decree, cause, and effect in regards to fighting against anxiety, which is a huge component of depression, using thankfulness.
So, whether you write it, think it, sing it, shout it, find things for which your are thankful and proclaim it!
These 4 actions by themselves are helpful and good. But together, they wield GREAT power and effectiveness to overcome the darkest depression.
Ask for help. Fight hard. And NEVER give up!
*Disclaimer - I am not a doctor prescribing this in place of any medical treatment. This is simply an attempt to bring light to the darkness and hope to the hopeless!
May you be encouraged as you walk the road toward restoration and travel up the stairway to heaven. But I also strongly encourage you to take up the shield of faith which is able to extinguish ALL the FLAMING arrows shot by the enemy that can destroy our wholeness!