That greeting isn’t just a cheesy one liner or a token schmooze, it’s a lyric in this week’s song. It’s also true. It is a treat that our paths have crossed! I hope this word and this day brings joy on your journey!
Dan + Shay have written and recorded a melodic and romantic jam for us to sway to and consider. It reminded me of an encounter at one of our youth group fall retreats that is full of biblical significance.
Every year, as part of the retreat, we had ‘pick me up bags’. The idea was that throughout the weekend, students and sponsors would write kind notes of encouragement to each other and put them in the recipients’ bags. They were a great source of life and a nice finish to the weekend. These notes held value for each person to receive, but also added significant for all to write.
It wasn’t perfect, that’s for sure, but it was good.
One year, a student who had a unique talent for delivering edgy but true commentary in a slightly pretentious yet coy manner, wrote two words to everyone! His note simply said, “You exist.”
At first, I was disappointed, somewhat frustrated, and a little mad. I knew the original intent was to be funny, subtly rebel against the process, and to get a reaction. It wasn’t mean or hateful, but it wasn’t necessarily kind or genuinely loving. My initial reaction was to reprimand the young comedic genius and arrest his sinister ways, but God used it better and made it an opportunity to speak more life.
More on that later.
Genesis 16 has a weird story. A man had a wife who couldn’t have children. She was depressed and broken by this. So, the wife gave her housekeeper to her husband to sleep with and have a baby with. (I told you it was strange!)
The servant got pregnant and instantly there was animosity between the two women. The wife complained to her husband and the husband, very wisely, didn’t want anything to get in the middle of this firework show. So, he told his wife to do whatever she thought best. The wife drove the housekeeper away.
Now, picture this servant girl, alone, pregnant, and without any support. In this day and culture, a single pregnant woman would be kicked to the curb and good for nothing, given no resources or help! She’s literally and metaphorically, lost in the desert. And the LORD comes to her, right where she is at!
God delivers a word, but not just a kind note of encouragement. God speaks life to her in that place and speaks into her future as well!
Check this out – midbar, Hebrew word for desert, means place of the word. In John 1, Jesus is referred to as “the WORD” in the beginning, who was “with God.” The connection here is that the desert, where this slave girl was found by God, is the place where God would speak life, as in the beginning when the world was spoken into existence!!!!
The desert is a desolate place, a wilderness, somewhere uninhabited, full of chaos, dry, dangerous, and deadly surroundings. It’s not really a delightful setting and doesn’t create a picture of serenity or peace. But, in the midst of lifelessness, God shows up, speaks hope, gives direction, and restores order.
Our story’s slave girl experiences this redemption. She celebrates and submits. She names the well she was at when she encountered God, Beer Lahai Roi, which means well of the LIVING ONE who sees me.
God is saying what my teen did in his ‘pick me up’ notes, YOU EXIST! Sometimes we just need to know that we are seen. We feel invisible and unworthy of the world’s acknowledgment, however, we crave it. Well, good news, God SEES you. Not only that, but, God sees your suffering, AND if you’ll allow, will speak life, give direction, and bring restoration in it from right where you are.
Do you need to just be seen today? Do you need to know that God sees you in your pain, in your running, in your wandering, in your loneliness? As our girl finds this reality, may you become aware of the same!
I need to tell you, however, it wasn’t a transformation of hell into paradise. God guided her BACK to where she came and said she needed an attitude adjustment. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.
So, where are you and what is needed? From what are you running? Maybe you need to return, surrender pride, own your position, and allow God to work in the middle of it!!!
If you’re rocking this season of life and feel like the good is just getting great, you’re not off the hook. Maybe, God needs you to be the ONE who would meet that lonely one at the well in THEIR desert!
Come on. Let’s live in restoration.
You exist. Your suffering is real. Their struggle is serious. Let’s move forward DESPITE it. As Dan + Shay said, I’m just GLAD YOU EXIST!