This might be the most accurate song of our day that captures the essence of human struggle!
“I don’t want to die, but I don’t wanna live like this.”
Can you relate?
How satisfied are you with your life?
In what ways are you still empty?
How have you not been fulfilled?
Is there something missing deep down in your soul?
We started this series with Ed Sheeran as he confessed something we’ve all dealt with. While he declares his awareness of the brokenness in his life and that he knew the source, and even went as far as to say he wanted things to change, he settled in the downfall of his bad habits.
But as we wrap up this series, we find ourselves face to face with this question: “What one thing do I still lack?” This is beyond the bad habits that keep us down and speaks to the core of who we are.
Jesus encountered a wealthy man who had apparently come into power, position, and prosperity at an early age. He was also a very devout follower of Jewish law; he was a ‘good person’. He confronted Jesus and asked what he must do to inherit eternal life.
He likely had inherited much of his wealth and reputation as it was not a very entrepreneurial culture where the Mark Zuckerbergs and Justin Biebers of our society could rise to the top out of stroke of genius or YouTube youthfulness.
This guy knows success, but he also knows the gift of circumstances, good fortune, and golden opportunities. He didn’t EARN or WORK HARD enough to get to where he was (most likely). Along with that, he also knew the Old Testament law and requirements of living holy. So, not only did he maintain this status to be known as a ‘rich young ruler’, but he professed to be a faithful follower of the Jewish law. Both of which indicate discipline, drive, and desire.
Now, he simply wants affirmation or possibly confirmation or even new direction to ensure the eternal reward he believed was available and attainable.
It sounds to me like he wanted to “live life fast, but didn’t know how to slow down” and was looking for help because he was “running on empty” and didn’t want to just “be a memory” as Kane Brown sings.
Jesus tells him there is one thing he is lacking. The Greek word here literally means ‘to be left behind in a race’ or ‘fail to become a partaker’.
We’ve seen a little bit of this with the Olympics. Hundreds tried and failed to become partakers in the events of competition and there have been dozens left behind in multiple races.
It’s as if Jesus is saying to this young man that he has spent his whole life thinking he’s winning the race and in reality, he’s left in the dust and perhaps not even invited to the competition floor! WOW!
For Kane Brown and this rich young ruler, something is missing and there’s a longing to fill it up. Being good isn’t good enough.
For me, when I’m longing for the ‘grander’ things of life, when I start to taste the bitterness of discontentment with my lot, when I find myself looking longingly at all the luscious green grass beyond my own yard, I know I am getting left behind in the only race that matters.
Jesus tells the young man he needs to sell his possessions and give to the poor and then to take up his cross and follow Jesus. This wasn’t (and isn’t for us) a call to poverty or condemnation for having stuff. This is about our mission in life and finding fulfillment in living.
The call may not sound the same (sell all your stuff) but its ring is identical for you and me. To sacrifice EVERYTHING earthly, including ourselves, for the intention of serving Christ. This was the answer for the rich young man. This would satisfy Kane Brown’s dilemma. And this, most certainly, is the solution for you and me.
Are you still questioning the way you’re living and struggling to find meaning or purpose? Are you tired of being just a ‘good person’?
Settle in the fact and surrender to the truth that the things of earth will all pass away but eternal life, in Jesus, is just that, eternal!