Some writings in scripture are easier to palette than others and some make more sense while others still seem odd and many just leave more questions than answers. But this is the beauty of the ETERNAL word of God as well. It keeps us growing and ever reaching a little more as we do not have the capacity to contain everything!
Sometimes the Word of God is very direct and speaks to ONE main point and all interpretations guide to this main idea. Then, other places, there are multiple interpretations and many ideas come from a singular thought or text. In several instances, there are many different thoughts but they all point to the same theme and then there are still other parts that are written with many different thoughts and not intended to be a singular idea. Scripture is a vast tapestry of truth and wisdom.
The whole of scripture can be thought of, however, as ONE main idea, telling the narrative of God and the relationship with or plan for creation. So, in all its multiple facets, we can read through the lens of discovering WHO God is and WHAT our role is to be.
Today, I want to simply share a passage that has several points of performance (to put in fitness terms) laid out by Paul that are extremely different in nature, but all come under the umbrella of living a life that brings about the best in others and for ourselves. I want to share six. Consider them all, ask God to show you which to heed, and pray for strength in executing effectively. Hebrews 13:1-8
1. DWELL in LOVE with others. Paul says to continue or keep on loving as brothers and sisters. This is to remain in a constant state of genuine concern for the well-being of another. To dwell is to live and this love is to be ongoing, then we are to live in this way daily!
2. BE HOSPITABLE to strangers. Paul says the same thing as number one in regard to brotherly love but now toward foreigners. And he basically says the first two like this: love others and don’t forget to love everyone. Helpful.
3. BE MINDFUL of prisoners. He builds on the first two and adds the third, REMEMBER those in bondage as well as any who are living in adversity. The idea from Paul is a call to empathy, FEEL the pain and suffering of others by using the ways in which we ourselves have experienced it. We can take it literal as well and consider those living incarcerated as it’s easy to forget them since they are off the street and out of mind.
4. HONOR MARRIAGE. Now we jump from general contexts to a very specific situation. The command here is to treat marriage with the same honor and respect you would a 10K diamond ring or a Lamborghini Huracan. If it were ours, we would do EVERYTHING to make sure it stayed in mint condition, and if it were someone else’s, then we would not even think about doing anything to damage it! This is true in every aspect of marriage but Paul notes especially the most intimate places of a relationship between a husband and wife. And this directive is not just for the husband and wife in a certain marriage, it is for ALL PEOPLE and for EVERY MARRIAGE!
5. BE CONTENT. This is so hard in a world of want and comparison, but it is so critical for sustaining a joyful and fulfilled life. Loving money, being greedy, and chasing monetary wealth will always leave us disappointed and dissatisfied. Being content, TO BE ENOUGH, is better and Paul says it’s because God will NEVER LEAVE YOU, SEND YOU BACK, or GIVE YOU UP.
6. FOLLOW the LEADER. But not just any leader will do. Paul instructs for us to walk in the ways of the one(s) who spoke life. Don’t focus on the ‘leaders’ who burned you, hurt you, broke you, abandoned you or the one(s) that everyone else is following. Don’t imitate those. Be like the ones where you see light and life!
I don’t know which one you need today but that’s the cool thing about God, HE DOES, and I don’t have to. May you find comfort in the God who sees you today, have strength to let the God who made you love you today, and discover life through the God who has never left you alone!
Who’s up for a ride in a Lamborghini?