For this series we’re going to restructure our vision and look at things differently in 2025 and hopefully for the rest of our lives.
Marion Tinsley, the GOAT of checkers (losing only 7 matches in 45 years), said this of the game he had mastered: Each piece has the SAME potential to become something so much greater. (It’s the king-me potential).
Each piece was created with that capacity already inside and you and me are built much the same. We have royalty potential from the start of life.
But it takes submitting to the hand who can see 60 moves ahead to reach that potential. We must see in ourselves as well as see in others, there is more within that what’s on the surface.
And as we do, our ability to S.E.E. in this way, changes every part of our lives. We find that God SPEAKS to EMPOWER His people in order that they may ENGAGE the world.
We see this is the narrative in creation. God speaks, then empowers Adam and Eve to engage the world. It’s a beautiful cycle and it is meant to persist.
In Matt 8 and Mark 1 we find another version of this SEEing cycle. Jesus came over to Peter’s house after leaving the synagogue and they find Peter’s mother-in-law sick and lying in bed. A woman must have been very sick to not be up waiting on her guests. So, Jesus healed her and she got up and began ministering to all those present.
Then Jesus healed more folks and drove out evil spirits. Matthew then quotes what God had said through the prophet Isaiah said about Jesus. “He took our sicknesses and healed our diseases.”
This is a message of hope and healing.
God speaks to empower (heal) his people so that they can engage the world, like Peter’s mother-in-law who served those following her healing.
What healing do you need presently?
Come to God and believe that He can.
Will you allow the spirit of God to empower you through that restoration?
Hold on to the promise of God to save.
How will you engage the world with your new life?
Go in the strength of the One who made you whole.
If you are in need of healing, please reach out to me and I’d love to pray with you about it! Also, don’t hesitate to connect with someone there. R-WOL is a powerful support system and just like in a workout, going solo is always harder, the same is true with life’s difficulties.